Marvel Rivas Chair - 30 Days
Windows 11: Supported Windows 10: Supported Intel & AMD Processors: Supported Aimbot
Customizable Aim Key Adjustable Bone Selection Multiple Targeting Modes Silent Aim (Client/Server) Adjustable Aim Smoothing Configurable Miss Chance % Precision Aim Distance Slider Auto Fire & Auto Wall Customizable Damage & Distance for Auto Wall Visuals
Player ESP (Self, Teammates, Enemies) ESP Preview Mode Customizable ESP Boxes (2D, Corners, Filled) Skeleton & Snap Lines (Top, Middle, Bottom) Radar Overlay (Adjustable Scale & Transparency) Player Name, Distance, Health Bar, and Hero Name Display Ultimate Charge Indicator Multiple Crosshair Options Dynamic RGB Bullet Tracers Visual Settings
Toggle Enemies Only Define ESP & Radar Visibility Distances Adjustable Compass & Arrow Size ESP Boldness Slider for Enhanced Clarity Customizable Aim Warnings (FOV, Warning Colors, Player Names) Advanced Outlines/Chams for Players & Objects RGB Toggle for Vibrant Outlines Display Visibility States (Visible/Not Visible Entities) Miscellaneous
Draw FOV Circle Custom Watermark Keybind List Display Radar (Out of View, Adjustable Scale & Alpha) About Keys
HWID Lock: Keys are tied to your HWID (Hardware ID), a unique identifier for your PC. Spoofer Compatibility: Fully compatible with all spoofers. HWID Resets: Available free of charge through the Discord server, required for switching users or after Windows resets. System Requirements
This product is exclusive to Windows PCs.
Windows 11: Supported Windows 10: Supported Intel & AMD Processors: Supported Aimbot
Customizable Aim Key Adjustable Bone Selection Multiple Targeting Modes Silent Aim (Client/Server) Adjustable Aim Smoothing Configurable Miss Chance % Precision Aim Distance Slider Auto Fire & Auto Wall Customizable Damage & Distance for Auto Wall Visuals
Player ESP (Self, Teammates, Enemies) ESP Preview Mode Customizable ESP Boxes (2D, Corners, Filled) Skeleton & Snap Lines (Top, Middle, Bottom) Radar Overlay (Adjustable Scale & Transparency) Player Name, Distance, Health Bar, and Hero Name Display Ultimate Charge Indicator Multiple Crosshair Options Dynamic RGB Bullet Tracers Visual Settings
Toggle Enemies Only Define ESP & Radar Visibility Distances Adjustable Compass & Arrow Size ESP Boldness Slider for Enhanced Clarity Customizable Aim Warnings (FOV, Warning Colors, Player Names) Advanced Outlines/Chams for Players & Objects RGB Toggle for Vibrant Outlines Display Visibility States (Visible/Not Visible Entities) Miscellaneous
Draw FOV Circle Custom Watermark Keybind List Display Radar (Out of View, Adjustable Scale & Alpha) About Keys
HWID Lock: Keys are tied to your HWID (Hardware ID), a unique identifier for your PC. Spoofer Compatibility: Fully compatible with all spoofers. HWID Resets: Available free of charge through the Discord server, required for switching users or after Windows resets. System Requirements
This product is exclusive to Windows PCs.
About Marvel Rivas Chair - 30 Days
- Windows 11: Supported
- Windows 10: Supported
- Intel & AMD Processors: Supported
- Customizable Aim Key
- Adjustable Bone Selection
- Multiple Targeting Modes
- Silent Aim (Client/Server)
- Adjustable Aim Smoothing
- Configurable Miss Chance %
- Precision Aim Distance Slider
- Auto Fire & Auto Wall
- Customizable Damage & Distance for Auto Wall
- Player ESP (Self, Teammates, Enemies)
- ESP Preview Mode
- Customizable ESP Boxes (2D, Corners, Filled)
- Skeleton & Snap Lines (Top, Middle, Bottom)
- Radar Overlay (Adjustable Scale & Transparency)
- Player Name, Distance, Health Bar, and Hero Name Display
- Ultimate Charge Indicator
- Multiple Crosshair Options
- Dynamic RGB Bullet Tracers
Visual Settings
- Toggle Enemies Only
- Define ESP & Radar Visibility Distances
- Adjustable Compass & Arrow Size
- ESP Boldness Slider for Enhanced Clarity
- Customizable Aim Warnings (FOV, Warning Colors, Player Names)
- Advanced Outlines/Chams for Players & Objects
- RGB Toggle for Vibrant Outlines
- Display Visibility States (Visible/Not Visible Entities)
- Draw FOV Circle
- Custom Watermark
- Keybind List Display
Radar (Out of View, Adjustable Scale & Alpha)
About Keys
- HWID Lock: Keys are tied to your HWID (Hardware ID), a unique identifier for your PC.
- Spoofer Compatibility: Fully compatible with all spoofers.
- HWID Resets: Available free of charge through the Discord server, required for switching users or after Windows resets.
System Requirements
This product is exclusive to Windows PCs.